“There are times when Pizzorno’s affection for Meighan assumes an almost paternal quality, understandable given the singer’s easily distracted, ever inquisitive nature, forever looking to the guitarist for assurance: “Is it Serge? Y’know what I mean, Sergey? Is that right, Serge?” Meighan himself is preposterously friendly towards anything with a pulse. … The longer you spend with Meighan, the more he reminds you of an English bulldog, the kind that looks as if it might bite the postie’s leg off but who only wants constant patting on the head and the occasional biscuit.” — Simon Goddard, Q Magazine, 2011. “I got [Tom] an original 1971 Rolling Stones tour poster. He… [starts laughing] … Tom got me this Sid Vicious doll. Aw, [smiles dreamily] he’s amazing, Tom. There’s no one quite like Tom in the world. He’s such an incredible force. And he is a force.” — Serge Pizzorno, Q Magazine, October 2011.
Дорогой Оранжевый_Змий, добро пожаловать в этот сумасшедший дом! Я удивлена, что ПЧ от меня не бегут, а наоборот приходят. Чувствуй себя как дома. Расскажи, что тебя сюда привело.
Serge: Tom, talk me through what you're doing there with the, with the ketchup Tom: Bascially as a child, I would uh, cover everything in ketchup. So I don't actually like, you know, get the taste of like, grown ups, ya know