Рокеры часто расстаются с жизнью молодыми, по глупости, в результате несчастного случая.
Том и Серджо решили пофантазировать на эту тему.
Том хотел бы упасть с американских горок, почувствовать прилив адреналина и умереть. Другой вариант - умереть от сердечного приступа в кинотеатре, все будут смеяться,есть попкорн и не заметят твоей смерти.
Серджо (более домашний) - тостер в ванной и все в этом духе.
А еще Том подвергается реальной опасности. Серджо хочет убить его за дурацкую привычку свистеть - швырнуть ручную гранату ему в голову.
Какие милые ребята!
СтатьяKasabian star Tom Meighan thinks the best way for him to die would be on a rollercoaster.
Kasabian singer Tom Meighan wants to die by falling off a rollercoaster.
The 'Days Are Forgotten' singer is aware most rock stars die young and often in bizarre circumstances and, if he could choose, thinks losing your life in the fairground is the best way to go.
He said: "I can imagine me going on a fairground ride and coming off a roller coaster. It would be a pretty good way to go, your adrenalin is going and the next thing you know it's all over. That'd be the way to go."
His bandmate, Serge Pizzorno, said he'd also choose a bizarre, but more domestic way to go.
He said: "I want to do something daft, like a toaster in the bath, or a knife in the toaster sort of thing."
Tom added: "Or a heart attack in the cinema. No-one would notice, because they'd be laughing and eating popcorn. Unbelievable."
Serge admitted he sometimes has murderous thoughts toward Tom, because he never stops whistling.
He added to NME magazine: "It's like a disease. He whistles anything: tunes, bird noises. You just want to take a hand grenade to the head sometimes."