Длинное и откровенное интервью Рикки "The Guardian":

Неприятно удивило:
"Wilson was hurt when Hodgson gave a radio interview claiming he had written 100% of Kaiser Chiefs music. ("They all started with him, but big parts of the songs were by us.") And when Wilson told Hodgson of the band's plans to carry on without him, Hodgson apparently just laughed.

Wilson's efforts to be diplomatic are challenged by that second glass of wine. "He said he was finishing the band. Not leaving, finishing. 'The band's over.' And at first we all just went along with it.""

Хотя, на самом деле, не так уж и удивило.
Я почему-то сразу, не зная подоплеки, восприняла уход Ника как предательство и перестала воспринимать его как личность.
Рикки - молодец, держится. A the Voice, в конце концов, неплохой шанс продвинуть новый альбом группы.