
Rage, rage against the dying of the light!
Знаете, пчелы - удивительные существа!


If you feel so empty

Three Days Grace - Riot

So used up so let down
If you feel so angry
So ripped off so stepped on
You're not the only one
Refusing to back down
You're not the only one
So get up


System of a down - Revenga

My sweet revenge
Will be yours for the taking
It's in the making baby
My sweet revenge
Will be yours for the taking
It's in the making baby
I saw her laugh
Then she said, "Go away"
I saw her laugh
Then she said, then she said,
"Go away, away"

@темы: Флешмоб

26.01.2011 в 01:58

Мысль пришла к лосю не сразу. Мысль пришла к лосю не вся. Очень длинными путями ходят мысли до лося (с)
Сколько раз слушала, ни разу не слышала там "I saw her laugh"...

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