воскресенье, 19 февраля 2012
Эта замечательная песня в последнее время мой девиз.
Потрясающе мудрые и правильные слова:
What are you waiting for
Get up off your seat
Its just seven days
Feels like a week
What are you moaning for
You got all that you want
Your life could be worse
You could be a nurse
Все в наших руках.
Хватит сидеть и ныть, бесконечно жалуясь на жизнь, и воспринимать каждую проблему, как удар судьбы.
Надо учиться всему, чему только можно. Кто знает, что в жизни пригодится..
Нужно не бояться мечтать. Все возможно в этой жизни, и даже самые смелые и, на первый взгляд, недостижимые мечты могут стать реальностью.
Нужно только сделать шаг... два.. три.. навстречу мечте, цели.
И ничего, что у меня такая оторванная от реальности специальность, а мечтаю я о еще более творческой и непрактичной...
Полный текст песни:
читать дальше"Learnt My Lesson Well"
I'm just waiting for
The man to come with all my things
And i'm just waiting for
Another man to take it all
And its not hard to tell
That I learnt my lesson well
And I'm just waiting for
The man to come and go away
What are you waiting for
Get up off your seat
Its just seven days
Feels like a week
What are you moaning for
You got all that you want
Your life could be worse
You could be a nurse
It seems so sensible
For us to keep the purse strings tight
And move the decimals
A couple of places to the right
And its not hard to tell
That I learnt my lesson well
It seems most sensible
But not exactly what we'd like
What are you waiting for
Get up off your seat
Its just seven days
Feels like a week
What are you moaning for
You got all that you want
Our life could be worse
You know, we all could be cursed
I Can't help feel like this
So don't rearrange it
I don't mean to be a dick
I just don't like the changes
I can not help the things I say
You know wouldn't to strangers
But I don't like going away
Cos it puts me in danger
I can tell you now
There ain't a problem can't be solved
With a good old fashioned row
So grit your teeth and stand your ground
And its not hard to tell
That I learnt my lesson well
But I'm still waiting for
The man to come with all my things
What are you waiting for
Get up off your seat
It's just seven days
Feels like a week
What are you moaning for
You got all that you want
Your life could be worse
You could leave in a hearse
Kaiser chiefs
Из жизни психов,
Kaiser chiefs,
Мысли вслух